Module | Nouveautés |
Global | - |
Activités | - |
Tiers et contacts | - |
Ventes |
Service client | - |
Marketing et centre de contact | - |
Administration et paramétrage | - |
Application mobile | - |
Addons / ouverture | |
Outils développement | - |
Master 1.5.20171010 (10/10/2017) [What's new] #21006 - Added new functionality of Numeric Distribution and shelf referencing. For more information regarding the functionality, you can check Wikipedia ( EN or FR) Also, the indicators used are detailled here (FR) New table(s) added: sw_data_shelf, sw_data_shelffacingdetail, sw_data_shelffacingdetailpicture, sw_data_shelffacingheader, sw_data_shelfhistory, sw_data_shelfpicture New generictype(s) added: dataType DISTRIBUTION: TRAD and SELF; MARKET: BIG, MEDIUM and LITTLE New variable(s) added: Customer.ShelfFacings.Available, Shelf.Enabled, ShelfHistory.Enabled, ShelfManagement.Enabled #22019 - Aliases are now used on all fields in UNION queries to avoid a strange behaviour of the SQLite engine on iOS 9+. #21827 - A new column tag has been added in the table planningstatus and sw_data_generictype (for the generictype with the dataType = 'INTERVENTION_STATUS') so that the processes that update the planning status (SwingBackend and scripts on the SwingBackOffice) can easily identify the statuses. #21625 - A new Backend interface [Demo] Notifications iOs/ Android has been added to send notifications to the devices when an intervention has been planned. #21534 - A new tab has been added in the functionnalty Sales History - only shown in the Customer Menu - to view the purchase history of the customer without having to create a new order. #21332 - It is now possible to specify a new valueType "measure" for the types of operation - table sw_data_operationtype. The operation will be linked to the measures and show how many measures are already filled / to be done for the corresponding equipment type / intervention type. #19902 - The order of the columns of the Documents from the Toolbox have been improved. #20155 - Closed intervention can now be printed directly from the Today panel on the Main Menu #21243 - It is now possible to view the orders of the customer from the Intervention Menu. This option is disable by default - Order.Available. #21051 - The UniSearch CustomersToVisit in the Visit Delay entry is now a grid to allow a better sorting and reading. #20623 - A "mandatory" option is now available for the actions in a visitreport. #21240 - The variable Maps.NavigationProvider can now be use to precise which map provider to call: google, apple or waze. #21130 - The projects / deals can now be opened only once. Also when in readonly mode, the events cannot be edited. Plus the double-clicks on the UniSearches are now properly set. #21201 - The table sw_data_productgeneric is not used anymore. The boolean field "productGeneric" in the product table is used instead. #21206 - The navigation to the Intervention from the UniSearch InterventionActions is now enabled. #21369 - Products referencing is now inherited from all parents customer groups. [Fixes] #21320 - The fields Customer group and Referencing are now displayed on the smartphone customer sheet. #21826 - Fixed an issue when duplicating an order : SQL error, internalComment column doesn't exists. #21751 - The node Order / Headers can be opened twice by using the Order cart then going into the Customer Menu and the list of Orders. Environments were added to manage this case and make sure the shell variables are not being mixed up. #21593 - Deactivating the TimeSheet available option now hides the timesheet information on the Main Menu. #21418 - The comments of the meeting, visit report and task are now properly filled when creating the linked event with the script Func_AddUpdateEvent. #21331 - The UniSearches OrderHistoryPerMonth and Credits were difficult to read with their fixed column on smartphone. #21274 - The Order lines numbers are now properly set after deleting a line. #21416 - The Time types are now translated. #21769 - The Product synchronization filter now properly takes the product kit headers into account. #21086 - It is now impossible to add events and quotations on a won or closed project / deal. #22017 - The filters in the UniSearch Rounds are now properly set. #21165 - The interventions statuses are now correclty translated in the Maps. #22012 - The margin calculation of an order line is now only done when a purchasing price is set. |