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Manipulation de l'entité Opportunity (Opportunités) en lecture/écriture/suppression via un objet métier depuis une application externe.


Avant la Summer' 22, les opportunités étaient gérées par le webhook Deal.


Les tables utilisées sont :

  • sw_data_deal : Table des opportunités/affaires

Les tables liées sont :

Critères d'activation

WHK_Opportunity est défini dans la gestion des webhooks du studio.

Règles métier

verb: PUT

  • La date de création est mise par défaut à la date du jour (creationDate) si non fournie lors d'une création

  • Le statut est mis par défaut à 'Active' (generictype_ID_status = ACTIVE) si non fourni lors d'une création

  • L'ajout d'éléments (dealelement) n'est pas autorisé pour une opportunité


settings parameters

  "getPartners": "1" // pour le verb GET et LIST permet de retourner les informations des partenaires de l'opportunité

verb: GET
resultType: simple

    "codedeal": "PRJ000011",
    "customer_ID": "C0000001",
    "label": "Vitrine de magasin",
    "creationDate": "2021-12-01 00:00:00"
    "generictype_ID_dealType": "Type projet 1",
    "generictype_ID_status": "ACTIVE",
    "dealNumber": "PRJ000011"

verb: GET
resultType: extended

    "codedeal": "AFR000011",
    "customer_ID": "C0000001",
    "label": "Vitrine de magasin",
    "creationDate": "2021-12-01 00:00:00",
    "generictype_ID_dealType": "Type projet 1",
    "generictype_ID_status": "ACTIVE",
    "dealNumber": "PRJ000011",
    "description": "",    
    "closingDate": "",
    "amount": "300",
    "probability": "55",
    "generictype_ID_lossReason": "",
    "customer_ID_introducer": "",
    "baseuser_ID": "MOREL",
    "amount2": "",
    "lossReasonComment": "",
    "realClosingDate": "",
    "dealstep_ID_current": "",
    "deal_ID_origin": "",
    "manualProbability": "0",
    "marketinglead_ID_origin": "",
    "customercontact_ID": "C0000001-DJ"

verb: GET
resultType: extendedRelated
en complément du résultat pour resultType: extended on aura le détail pour les tables generictype_deal_type, customer, customercontact, baseuser et generictype_status

    "codegenerictype": "DEAL_DEALTYPE-PRJ",
    "label": "Type projet 1",
    "originalCode": "PRJ",
    "dataType": "DEAL_DEALTYPE",
    "description": "",
    "translationKey": "",
    "generictype_ID_parent": "Project",
  "generictype_status": {
    "codegenerictype": "OPPORTUNITY_STATUS-1",
    "label": "Active",
    "originalCode": "1",
    "dataType": "OPPORTUNITY_STATUS",
    "description": "3",
    "translationKey": "GenType_OPPORTUNITY_STATUS_ACTIVE",
    "generictype_ID_parent": "",
    "tag": "ACTIVE",
    "orderNumber": ""
    "codecustomer": "C0000001",
    "baseuser_ID": "",
    "address1" :"33 Avenue du Drapeau",
    "address2": "",
    "address3": "",
    "postalCode": "21000",
    "city": "DIJON",
    "phoneNumber": "03 90 11 22 33",
    "faxNumber": "03 90 11 22 44",
    "mobilePhoneNumber": "06 90 11 22 33",
    "email": "",
    "deliveryDays": "1A;1B;2A;2B;3A;3B;4A;4B;5A;5B",
    "openingDays": "1A;1B;2A;2B;3A;3B;4A;4B;5A;5B",
    "siretNumber":" ",
    "vatIntra": "",
    "apeCode": "516K",
    "comment": "",
    "blocked": "0",
    "blockedComment": "",
    "message": "",
    "vacationStart": "",
    "vacationEnd": "",
    "gpsLongitude": "5.04372",
    "gpsLatitude": "47.33222",
    "accountNumber": "C0000001",
    "contactName": "",
    "currency_ID": "",
    "authorizedCredit": "0",
    "risk": "1",
    "underSurveillance": "",
    "workforce": "25",
    "customer_ID_paying": "",
    "pricecategory_ID": "",
    "discountRate": "0",
    "website": "",
    "legalStatus": "Société Anonyme avec Directoire",
    "generictype_ID_brand": "",
    "generictype_ID_deliveryMode": "",
    "generictype_ID_paymentMean": "",
    "generictype_ID_country": "",
    "generictype_ID_province": "",
    "generictype_ID_customerType": "CTC",
    "generictype_ID_customerFamily": "",
    "confirmationEmail": "",
    "confirmationFax": "03 90 11 22 44",
    "generictype_ID_taxCode": "",
    "productdepot_ID": "",
    "generictype_ID_accountingCategory": "",
    "generictype_ID_customerPotential": "B",
    "generictype_ID_civility": "",
    "skype": "",
    "generictype_ID_role": "",
    "unused": "0",
    "customergroup_ID": "",
    "generictype_ID_referencing": "2",
    "generictype_ID_distribution": "SELF",
    "generictype_ID_market": "BIG",
    "area": "",
    "baseculture_ID": "FR-FR",
    "baseuser_ID_favoriteTechnician": "TECH-01",
    "branchoffice_ID": "SXB",
    "emailFormat": "",
    "isIndividual": "0",
    "facebook": "",
    "twitter": "",
    "youtube": "",
    "linkedin": "",
    "activity": ""
    "codecustomercontact": "C0000001-DJ",
    "customer_ID": "C0000001",
    "lastName": "DENEIR",
    "firstName": "Jacques",
    "generictype_ID_civility": "Monsieur",
    "address1": "1b rue Darwin",
    "address2": "",
    "address3": "",
    "postalCode": "21000",
    "city": "DIJON",
    "phoneNumber": "05 55 79 56 92",
    "faxNumber": "05 55 79 56 11",
    "mobilePhoneNumber": "06 07 08 09 10",
    "email": "jdeneir@nebout.div",
    "gpsLongitude": "5.0384",
    "gpsLatitude": "47.33073",
    "description": "Acheteur direct",
    "generictype_ID_position": "Direction",
    "birthday": "1980-09-18 00:00:00",
    "generictype_ID_country": "FR",
    "generictype_ID_province": "",
    "mainContact": "0",
    "generictype_ID_service": "Direction",
    "skype": "",
    "baseculture_ID": "",
    "bouncedEmailDetected": "",
    "closedDate": "",
    "twitter": "",
    "linkedin": ""
    "baseusertree_ID":"Région 2",
    "productdepot_ID":"Dépôt Vincent MOREL",

verb: PUT

  "opportunity": {
    "codeopportunity": "PRJ000011", /* Code globalement unique de l'opportunité (Varchar (255))*/
    "customer_ID": "C0000001", /* Code client (ForeignKey () - sw_data_customer.codecustomer)*/
    "label": "Vitrine de magasin", /* Libellé (Varchar (255))*/
    "generictype_ID_opportunityType": "DEAL_DEALTYPE-PRJ", /* Code type d'opportunité (ForeignKey () - sw_data_generictype.codegenerictype avec datatype = DEAL_DEALTYPE) et generictype_ID_parent = PROJECT*/
    "opportunityNumber": "PRJ000011", /* N° d'opportunité (Varchar (64))*/
    "description": "", Description (Text (65535))*/
    "creationDate" : "2021-12-01", /* Date de création (DateTime ())*/
    "closingDate": "", /* Date de fin (DateTime ())*/
    "amount": "300", /* Montant (Double ())*/
    "probability": "55", /* Probabilité (en %) (Int ())*/
    "generictype_ID_lossReason": "", /* Code raison de la perte (ForeignKey () - sw_data_generictype.codegenerictype avec datatype = DEAL_LOSTREASON)*/
    "lossReasonComment": "", /* Commentaire perte (Text (65535))*/
    "customer_ID_introducer": "", /* Code client apporteur d'affaire (ForeignKey () - sw_data_customer.codecustomer)
    "baseuser_ID": "", /* Code responsable (ForeignKey () - sw_data_baseuser.codebaseuser)*/
    "amount2": "", /* Montant 2 (Double ())*/
    "generictype_ID_status": "OPPORTUNITY_STATUS-1", /* Statut (ForeignKey () - sw_data_generictype.codegenerictype avec datatype = OPPORTUNITY_STATUS)*/    
    "realClosingDate": "", /* Date de fin réelle (DateTime ())*/
    "opportunitystep_ID_current": "", /* Code étape actuelle (ForeignKey () - sw_data_dealstep.codedealstep)*/   
    "manualProbability": "0", /* Probabilité manuelle (Valeurs possibles : 0,1) (Bool ())*/
    "marketinglead_ID_origin": "", /* Code lead marketing d'origine (ForeignKey () - sw_data_marketinglead.codemarketinglead)*/
    "customercontact_ID": "C0000001-DJ", /* Code contact client (ForeignKey () - sw_data_customercontact.codecustomercontact)*/	        
    "internalcodeopportunity": null /* Code opportunité original de weavy s'il y a eu transcodage (Varchar (255)) */

    /* Optionnel : pour mettre à jour les champs dynamiques selon paramétrage */
    /* Exemple 1 : */
      "fieldname": "prj10",
      "fieldvalue": "100000"
      "fieldname": "prj30",
      "fieldvalue": "Jean-René Abraham"    
    /* Exemple 2 : */
    /* A partir de la version SUMMER'21, le mappage direct des champs dynamiques est possible en utilisant le nom du champ en bdd */
    "v_prj10": "100000",
    "v_prj30": "Jean-René Abraham",

verb: LIST
resultType: simple, extended reprendre les définitions du GET

"filters:" {
  "codeOpportunity": "value", filter is equal
  "opportunityNumber": "value", filter is equal
  "label": "value", filter is contains
  "creationDate": "value", filter is greater or equal to
  "creationDateBetween": "value1|value2", filter is between value1 and value2
  "codeCustomer": "value", filter is equal
  "opportunityType": "value", filter is equal
  "codeStatus": "value" filter is equal
"orderBy": "value"

Valeurs possibles pour le tri "orderBy" :

  • opportunityNumberAsc : par n° d'affaire/opportunité ascendant

  • labelAsc : par intitulé ascendant

  • creationDateAsc : par date de création ascendant

  • creationDateDesc : par date de création descendant

  • Aucune étiquette