WebHook Contract

WebHook Contract


Manipulation de l'entité Contract (Contrats) en lecture/écriture/suppression via un objet métier depuis une application externe.


Les tables utilisées sont :

  • sw_data_contract : Table des contrats

Les tables liées sont :

  • sw_data_contractbilling : Table de la facturation des contrats

Critères d'activation

WHK_Contract est défini dans la gestion des webhooks du studio.


verb: GET
resultType: simple

"contract":{ "codecontract": "C0000001-77", "label": "Test contrat", "contractNumber": "CONTRACT_000077", "customer_ID": "C0000001", "generictype_ID_status": "NEW", "contracttype_ID": "Abonnement licence" }

verb: GET
resultType: extended

"contract":{ "codecontract": "C0000001-77", "label": "Test contrat", "contractNumber": "CONTRACT_000077", "customer_ID": "C0000001", "generictype_ID_status": "NEW", "contracttype_ID": "Abonnement licence", "description": "description", "startDate": "2020-01-06 00:00:00", "endDate": "", "limitDate": "", "amount": "200", "interventiontype_ID": "", "frequency_ID": "", "dunningDateValue": "", "generictype_ID_dunningDateUnit": "", "contract_ID_parent": "", "closingDate": "", "customerReference": "", "version": "2", "amendmentNumber": "", "deal_ID": "", "dealelement_ID": "" }

verb: GET
resultType: extendedRelated
en complément du résultat pour resultType: extended on aura le détail pour les tables contracttype, customer, generictype_status, deal et dealelement

"related":[ { "contracttype":{ "codecontracttype": "LICENCE", "label": "Abonnement licence", "prefix": "", "numberLength": "", "counter": "", "generictype_ID_badgeColor": "" }, "customer":{ "codecustomer": "C0000001", "name": "ENTREPRISE DIJON GUICHARD", "baseuser_ID": "", "address1": "33 Avenue du Drapeau", "address2": "", "address3": "", "postalCode": "21000", "city": "DIJON", "phoneNumber": "03 90 11 22 33", "faxNumber": "03 90 11 22 44", "mobilePhoneNumber": "06 90 11 22 33", "email": "contact@guichard.com", "deliveryDays": "1A;1B;2A;2B;3A;3B;4A;4B;5A;5B", "openingDays": "1A;1B;2A;2B;3A;3B;4A;4B;5A;5B", "siretNumber": "", "vatIntra": "", "apeCode": "516K", "comment": "", "blocked": "0", "blockedComment": "", "message": "", "vacationStart": "", "vacationEnd": "", "gpsLongitude": "5.04372", "gpsLatitude": "47.33222", "gpsPrecision": "8", "gpsUpdateDate": "2020-09-03 23:02:12", "gpsManual": "", "accountNumber": "C0000001", "contactName": "", "currency_ID": "", "authorizedCredit": "0", "risk": "1", "language": "", "underSurveillance": "", "workforce": "25", "customer_ID_paying": "", "pricecategory_ID": "", "discountRate": "0", "website": "<https://www.guichard.com",> "legalStatus": "Société Anonyme avec Directoire", "generictype_ID_brand": "", "generictype_ID_deliveryMode": "", "generictype_ID_paymentMean": "", "generictype_ID_country": "FR", "generictype_ID_province": "", "generictype_ID_customerType": "CTC", "generictype_ID_customerFamily": "", "confirmationEmail": "contact@guichard.com", "confirmationFax": "03 90 11 22 44", "generictype_ID_taxCode": "", "productdepot_ID": "", "generictype_ID_accountingCategory": "", "generictype_ID_customerPotential": "B", "generictype_ID_civility": "", "skype": "contact@guichard.com", "generictype_ID_role": "", "unused": "0", "customergroup_ID": "", "generictype_ID_referencing": "2", "generictype_ID_distribution": "SELF", "generictype_ID_market": "BIG", "area": "", "baseculture_ID": "FR-FR", "baseuser_ID_favoriteTechnician": "TECH-01", "branchoffice_ID": "SXB", "emailFormat": "", "isIndividual": "0", "facebook": "<https://www.facebook.com/guichard/",> "twitter": "<https://twitter.com/guichard",> "youtube": "<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jGbnEwQJ54",> "linkedin": "<https://www.linkedin.com/company/guichard",> "activity": "" } }]

verb: PUT
Selon webhookVersion renseigné dans le header :
webhookVersion = 1 -> les blocs json contracttype, customer et site sont obligatoires.
webhookVersion = 2 -> les blocs json contracttype, customer et site ne doivent plus être renseignés, sinon il y aura une erreur en retour. Ils doivent être appelés explicitement par leur webhooks correspondants (contracttype, customer et customeraddress) en amont.

verb: LIST
resultType: simple, extended reprendre les définitions du GET

Valeurs possibles pour le tri "orderBy" :

  • contractNumberAsc : par n° de contrat ascendant

  • startDateDesc : par date de début descendant

  • startDateAsc : par date de début ascendant

verb: DELETE
Une suppression d'un contrat (sw_data_contract) va supprimer en cascade les éléments dans la table liée sw_data_contractbilling.

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