WebHook Event

WebHook Event


Manipulation de l'entité Event (Evénements génériques) en lecture/écriture/suppression via un objet métier depuis une application externe.


Les tables utilisées sont :

  • sw_data_event : Table des événements

Les tables liées sont :

Critères d'activation

WHK_Event est défini dans la gestion des webhooks du studio.


verb: GET
resultType: simple

"event": { "codeevent": "EXT00000001", "eventDate": "2021-06-04 11:03:50", "comment": "commande", "customer_ID": "C0000001", "baseuser_ID": "TECH2", "eventtype_ID": "Order", "customercontact_ID": "", "deal_ID": "", "label": "", "marketinglead_ID": "" }

verb: GET
resultType: extended

"event": { "codeevent": "EXT00000001", "eventDate": "2021-06-04 11:03:50", "comment": "commande", "customer_ID": "C0000001", "baseuser_ID": "TECH2", "eventtype_ID": "Order", "customercontact_ID": "", "deal_ID": "", "label": "", "marketinglead_ID": "", "gpsLongitude": "", "gpsLatitude": "", "customer_ID_dealPartner": "" }

verb: GET
resultType: extendedRelated
en complément du résultat pour resultType: extended on aura le détail pour les tables customer, baseuser, customercontact, deal et customer_dealpartner

"related": [ { "customer": { "codecustomer": "2269", "baseuser_ID": "SMITH", "name": "LAURENT AUBENAS", "address1": "RTE DE ST ETIENNE DE FONTBELLON", "address2": "", "postalCode": "07200", "city": "AUBENAS", "phoneNumber": "111220360", "faxNumber": "133220360", "email": "contact@soc.com", "generictype_ID_customerType": "CTC", "generictype_ID_country": "", "address3": "", "mobilePhoneNumber": "611220360", "generictype_ID_province": "", "generictype_ID_civility": "", "baseculture_ID": "FR-FR", "branchoffice_ID": "", "contactName": "Simon LAURE", "website": "<http://www.soc.com",> "deliveryDays": "1A;1B;2A;2B;4A;4B;5A;5B", "openingDays": "1A;1B;2A;2B;3A;3B;4A;4B;5A;5B", "vacationStart": "", "vacationEnd": "", "siretNumber": "", "comment": "ok", "message": "", "blocked": "0", "underSurveillance": "1", "generictype_ID_customerFamily": "", "generictype_ID_paymentMean": "", "generictype_ID_deliveryMode": "", "pricecategory_ID": "", "discountRate": "0", "gpsLongitude": "4.40672", 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"customer_dealPartner": { "codecustomer": "", "baseuser_ID": "", "name": "", "address1": "", "address2": "", "postalCode": "", "city": "", "phoneNumber": "", "faxNumber": "", "email": "", "generictype_ID_customerType": "", "generictype_ID_country": "", "address3": "", "mobilePhoneNumber": "", "generictype_ID_province": "", "generictype_ID_civility": "", "baseculture_ID": "", "branchoffice_ID": "", "contactName": "", "website": "", "deliveryDays": "", "openingDays": "", "vacationStart": "", "vacationEnd": "", "siretNumber": "", "comment": "", "message": "", "blocked": "", "underSurveillance": "", "generictype_ID_customerFamily": "", "generictype_ID_paymentMean": "", "generictype_ID_deliveryMode": "", "pricecategory_ID": "", "discountRate": "", "gpsLongitude": "", "gpsLatitude": "", "confirmationEmail": "", "confirmationFax": "", "generictype_ID_brand": "", "blockedComment": "", "authorizedCredit": "", "apeCode": "", "vatIntra": "", "legalStatus": "", "workforce": "", 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verb: PUT

{ "event": { "codeevent": "EXT00000001", /* Code globalement unique de l'événement (Varchar (255))*/ "eventDate": "", /* Date de l'événement */ "eventtype_ID": "PhoneCall", /* Code du type de l'événement */ "label": "A rappeler", /* Libellé (Varchar (255))*/ "comment": "", /* Description (Text (65535)) "customer_ID": "C0000001", /* Code du tiers (ForeignKey () - sw_data_customer.codecustomer)*/ "customercontact_ID": "C0000001-BDX", /* Code du contact du tiers (ForeignKey () - sw_data_customercontact.codecustomercontact)*/ "baseuser_ID": "B0000001-BDX", /* Code du créateur de l'événement (ForeignKey () - sw_data_baseuser.codebaseuser)*/ "deal_ID": "D0000001-BDX", /* Code de l'affaire lié à l'événement (ForeignKey () - sw_data_deal.codedeal)*/ "marketinglead_ID": "ML0000001-BDX", /* Code du lead lié à l'événement (ForeignKey () - sw_data_marketinglead.codemarketinglead)*/ "customer_ID_dealPartner": "CDP0000001-BDX", /* Code du partenaire affaire de l'événement (ForeignKey () - sw_data_customer.codecustomer)*/ } }

verb: LIST
resultType: simple, extended reprendre les définitions du GET

"filters": { "codeEvent": "value", filter is equal "label": "value", filter is contains "comment": "value", filter is contains "eventDate": "value", filter is greater or equal to "eventDateBetween": "value1|value2", filter is between value1 and value2 "codeCustomer": "value", filter is equal "codeBaseuser": "value", filter is equal "codeCustomerContact": "value", filter is equal "codeDeal": "value", filter is equal "codeMarketingLead": "value", filter is equal "codeEventType": "value" filter is equal }, "orderBy": "value"

Valeurs possibles pour le tri "orderBy" :

  • eventDateDesc : par date d'évènement descendant

  • eventDateAsc : par date d'évènement ascendant

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