Notes de version 4.7 (Summer'18)

Notes de version 4.7 (Summer'18)


Après la grande nouveauté annoncée à la fin de cet été, le portail client Divalto weavy, notre logiciel de gestion d’interventions ne cesse de s’enrichir. Parmi les fonctionnalités développées, vous trouverez désormais le traitement des interventions urgentes, la gestion des gammes d’opérations, la gestion des agences et l’ajustement des stocks dans l’inventaire.

Vue générale

Interventions urgentes : assurer une prise en charge rapide

Les urgences sont une part du le quotidien des agents de maintenance. Cependant, la bonne organisation des services en interne diminue le stress dans l’exécution de cette tâche, améliore la qualité du travail et garantit un traitement efficient qui est toujours apprécié par le client.

Pour répondre à cette problématique, la gestion des opérations urgentes a été simplifiée.

Il suffit de définir une priorité “immédiate” ou “haute” pour une intervention afin de déclencher une procédure de gestion pré-paramétrée dans notre CRM maintenance.

Les opérations urgentes sont créées dans la plateforme web Divalto weavy comme toutes les autres. Depuis l’écran “Nouvelle intervention”, vous pouvez ajouter des équipements, vérifier les pièces programmées par défaut et en renseigner d’autres. Une fois saisie, l’opération peut être planifiée et attribuée à un technicien.

Cette dernière action permet à votre logiciel web de se connecter avec le système mobile Divalto weavy pour actualiser les données dans l’agenda du collaborateur itinérant.

Pour le prévenir de la modification effectuée, Divalto weavy permet d'envoyer un SMS au technicien. Il peut désormais se connecter depuis son mobile et prendre connaissance de l’intervention urgente, l’accepter ou la refuser. Sa réponse apparaît quasi immédiatement sur le CRM en ligne ; une action grâce à laquelle vous pouvez garantir la prise en charge des demandes clients.

Gestion des gammes d’interventions

Vous pouvez gérer les types d’interventions dans des gammes comme par exemple les maintenances périodiques, les réparations, les routines de maintenance, etc.

Cette nouveauté a été intégrée pour simplifier la gestion de groupes d’interventions mais aussi en cas d’opérations particulières effectuées chez une partie de vos clients. Ainsi vous pouvez créer une nouvelle gamme et rattacher tous les comptes concernés.

Gestion des techniciens en cas de multi-agences

Votre société a plusieurs agences ? Avec notre solution pour technicien, il est maintenant possible de gérer vos techniciens par agence et de mettre en place des règles de synchronisation spécifiques par utilisateur et site. Cette fonctionnalité, plébiscitées par nos utilisateurs, permet de donner différents niveaux d’accès à l’information à l’agent de maintenance. Il peut disposer de toutes les données clients ou d’une partie seulement.

Gestion de l’inventaire : ajustement manuel des stocks

Autre ajout, le détail des quantités de l’inventaire peut maintenant être modifié manuellement. Le technicien peut préciser le nombre de pièces défectueuses et usées dans son stock ou revoir l’état comme “normal”. Cette nouveauté vous permet de maintenir un inventaire propre et de garder une visibilité optimale sur le niveau des stocks.

Principales nouveautés de la version

  • Personnalisation logo entreprise du portail web
  • Nombreuses évolutions UX web
  • Saisie de texte formaté / richtext (BETA)
  • Messagerie flash mobile
  • Rendez-vous privés confidentiels
  • Affichage semaine de travail sur 5 jours
Tiers et contacts
  • Revue de pipe commercial
  • Page de suivi opportunité en mode kanban, 
Service client
  • Pièces sur gammes opératoires
  • Gestion agences
  • Interventions urgentes
  • Demandes intervention sur mobile
  • Suite à donner
  • Ajustement de stock véhicule
Marketing et centre de contact
  • RGPD : gestion des demandes
  • RGPD : champs spécifiques consentement et origine contact
Administration et paramétrage
  • Amélioration champs personnalisés
Application mobile
  • Nombreuses évolutions UX mobile
Addons / ouverture
Outils développement

"Release Notes" détaillées (en anglais)

Summer 2018 - Master 4.7.20181018 (18/10/2018)

[What's new]

#25303 - The Roadmap UniSearch now allows for only one of the two filter date to be empty.
#25161 - The synchronization filters for SwingService have been reworked, along with the initialization of the user filter in the customer portfolio for SwingService.
#24729 - ActionPlanStatistics functionality: variable "ActionPlan.SynchronizeFinishedSince" added to limit the synchronized plans to X months old. Also, checkboxes have been added above the list of action plans list to filter on finished or upcoming action plans.
#24830 - Projects: the fields probability and weighted amount are now removed from the grid and sheet, and the Closing date has been renamed to Delivery date.
#24756 - It is now possible to delete an inventory that's still in progress.
#22447 - The files created by the script function FILE_SELECT_EX are now deleted.
#24791 - Opportunities/projects: the fields manualProbability and probability are set to 0 and NULL + the deal is set to an automatic probability when the current step is changed.
#24441 - The activation condition <hasdynfields> has been renamed to <dynamicfields_exists>.
#24735 - Many smartphone screens have evolved to be more user-friendly.
#US_2439 - The dynamic fields have been renamed custom fields.
#US_2459 - It is now possible to add specific values to a varchar custom field, in order to create comboboxes.
#US_2804 - Sales history: a default filter is now set to show only the invoices and credits.
#US_2806 - Product declination: when there are only 2 declination levels defined for a product, a matrix of the 2 declinations can be displayed. This can be controlled using the variable Order.ProductDeclinationWithTwoLevels.UseMatrix.
#US_1074 - In French, the terms "courriel" have been replaced by "email".
#US_2429 - The company picture stored in the sw_data_companyinfo table is now used on the top left corner of the portal. A new page companyInfo has been added to edit the company information.
#US_2430 - The portal now uses more colorful colors in the charts.
#US_2435 - It is now possible to have buttons on the top right of the portal, to avoid having to scroll.
#US_2447 - The portal menu has been reorganized, new categories "CRM, Sales, etc." have been added.
#US_2448 - Portal: is it now possible to have a quick view in a right panel after selecting an item in a list. Has been implemented for the customer list only - yet.
#US_2450 - The lists on the portal are now closer to the UniSearchs, with a simple search on several fields that can be set, the existing filters are now shown via a button.
#US_2453 - Portal: it is now possible to send an email directly on an email address in a list.
#US_2456 - Portal: it is now possible to call a phone number directly in a list.
#US_2457 - A contact template has been added on the top of the contact sheet page.
#US_2502 - A column description has been added to the feature page, and will be filled.
#US_2617 - The title of the login page is now "Connexion | SwingMobility".
#US_1557 - Statistics on the action plans are now available on the portal.
#US_1737 - The action plan list on the portal can now be filtered + the order is now on the starting date DESC.
#US_1563 - It is now possible to view the document sent in a newsletter campaign on the portal and the mobile.
#US_1567 - It is now possible to extract to an Excel file the list of the contacts targeted by a newsletter or an SMS campaign, in order to do a standard mailing instead of an emailing.
#US_1682 - A new page "Pipe Review" has been added, to allow a review per user, and allow a quick edit of the closing date, probability and amount.
#US_1740 - The columns closing date, probability and amount can now be edited directly in the project / opportunity list on the mobile.
#US_1738 - A new tab has been added to the deal page, to show the modification history of a project / opportunity.
#US_3632 - A new page "Pipe" (Kanban) has been added, to allow an easy follow-up of all projects / opportunities.
#US_1706 - A new page "productInventory" has been added, to check / validate the inventories created on the mobiles.
#US_1742 - The stock detail tab in the stock page now details all the qualifications of the products.
#US_1744 - A new variable has been set "ProductInventories.CreateStockMovements" to allow a new inventory, created on the mobile, to create the required stock movements.
#US_2274 - It is now possible to add a new intervention directly from an equipment on the mobile.
#US_3628 - Planning an urgent intervention to a user now sends him an SMS - a new type "sendsms" is now recognized in the baseoutbox table. A new bool in the sw_data_interventionpriority table has been added to define what priorities are defined as urgent, and can be edited via the "interventionPriority" page. Also, a new "interventionUrgent" page has been added to allow a quick overview of the acceptation or not by the mobile users.
#US_3629 - A new alarm on the main menu has been added to show the urgent interventions. The user can accept or refuse the intervention, which will create an instant update - if an internet connection is available - of the intervention + notify the user on the portal.
#US_2942 - A new tabpage has been added to the operationRange page, to view the parts that should be needed to complete the operations.
#US_2943 - A new bool "needsPart" has been added to the operationtype table.
#US_2944 - A new page "operationRange.analysis" has been added, to view all the operation ranges that have operation linked that required parts to be used.
#US_3363 - A new page "operationRangePart" has been added to edit all the parts that are linked to an operation of a selected operation range. It is possible to specify a different generic part for each operation range + specifics parts to use per equipment.
#US_2960 - A new operation range tab has been added in the intervention sheet page, to display all the operation ranges that should be done depending on the selected equipments. It is possible to edit the list of the operation ranges: the order of the operation ranges, but also to add or delete operation ranges to do, along with the operations in each operation range.
#US_2719 - Similar to the requests that can be created on the customer extranet, mobile and portal users can now create requests through a new "InterventionRequest" feature, available in the toolbox on mobile. A new variable "InterventionRequest.Available" has been added.
#US_2963 - A new tab operation range has been added in the contract sheet page, allowing to select which operation ranges should be done on the intervention that will be linked to the contract.
#US_3102 - It is now possible to duplicate an operation range and limit its use to one or more customer(s).
#US_1704 - A new page interventionClosed has been created, to show the closed interventions and the follow-up action to take.
#US_3855 - The time type management on the portal now allows to link a time type to a product that should be used for billing.
#US_1729 - The activity reports can now be displayed on a map.
#US_2468 - The calendar pages - appointmentManager and taskManager - are now filtered by default on the current user + when creating a new appointment or task, the current user will be selected by default.
#US_2482 - When creating an appointment, a task or a new intervention, the length will now be kept when changing the start date - time.
#US_2485 - Private appointments can now be created on the mobile or the portal and won't be displayed to the other users.
#US_2076 - RGPD requests can now be created on both the front, the portal and the extranet.
#US_2077 - RGPD requests can be dealt with using the new gdprRequest page. A new report "Export GDPR request" will be used by default to export the data to the contact.
#US_2626 - RGPD consent from a customer contact is now stored in the table sw_data_customercontactextension and is displayed in the customer contact sheet.
#US_2909 - When importing an email on the mobile app, the app will look for the email address on the contacts. Depending if opportunities/projects exist, the email will be automatically imported on the contact, or an opportunity/a project can be selected.
#US_2930 - A new page userTree has been added to edit the userTree, similar to the one in the SwingStudio.
#US_2995 - Agencies can be created for SwingService, to allow for different rights on each technician.
#US_3013 - The flashMessage feature is now available on the portal and can be accessed from a dedicated button on the top right.


#25225 - When creating an equipment from the customer menu, the customer field is now initialized in the equipment sheet.
#25401 - The action plans grids are now refreshed after a visit report has been added from the customer menu.
#25290 - Deleting a customer note now correctly deletes the associated event.
#25291 - Deleting a deal step now correctly deletes the associated event.
#25157 - Added a missing script to open the interventions history from the equipment dashboard.
#24869 - Several event actions and schedulers were in french, they are now in english.
#24893 - When the main product of a kit has a price, its price is not taken anymore into account in the sum of the kit, only the price of the product composing the kit.
#24940 - SelectionProduct: the variables within the group Selection are not anymore overwritten by the one from the product family selection.
#25024 - Statistics: the subquery for the user goal has been fixed.
#24773 - All displayed generic types are now translated in the same way: first from the translation table and then, if not found, its translationKey is used.
#24036 - Stock qualification: a "tag" column has been added into the qualification table, to specify the default qualification (the default qualification was previously done by checking if its code is equal to NORMAL).
#24870 - Inventory edition: when editing the details of a product inventory, the batch and serial number changes are now correctly canceled.
#24836 - The variables of the turnover grid on the Main menu dashboard are not deleted anymore, so a click on the grid header on the Windows app doesn't hide the grid.
#24523 - The ifempy tag is not properly set in the script FormAppointment_TabChange regarding the cbCustomercontact_ID control.
#24855 - Order: the conditional variable "ActionPlan.Available" is now taken into account in the entry script and the toolbox.
#24792 - It is no longer possible to create an event without a customer_ID, which was possible when creating a meeting in the main calendar.
#24735 - The node intervention on the smartphone calendar is not properly set.
#24720 - The content from the table sw_data_productinventorydetaildetail is now correctly cleaned when canceling a new inventory, same as the content from the tables sw_data_productinventoryheader and sw_data_productinventorydetail.
#24434 - When adding a new event, the variables Intervention.Available, Emailing.Enabled and Customer.ShelfFacings.Available are now taken into account when adding a new event. It is also now correctly impossible to create an event with the type delivery or consent (DPO/GDPR Consent).
#24433 - The variable Order.Available is now correctly taken into account on the quotation item in the opportunities/projects.
#24061 - ShelfFacings: the translations of the indices are now correctly set.
#24007 - The 'now' used in SQLite queries are now properly set to 'now', 'localtime', in order to take the time zone into account. For further information have a look at the documentation: https://www.mydivalto.com/wikiswing/doku.php?id=documentations:fr:sqlite#fonctions_de_dates_et_heures [FR] and https://www.mydivalto.com/wikiswing/doku.php?id=documentations:en:sqlite#date_and_time_functions [EN].

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