WebHook Appointment

WebHook Appointment


Manipulation de l'entité Appointment (Rendez-vous) en lecture/écriture/suppression via un objet métier depuis une application externe.


Les tables utilisées sont :

  • sw_data_task : Table des tâches/rendez-vous

Critères d'activation

WHK_Appointment est défini dans la gestion des webhooks du studio.


verb: GET
resultType: simple

"appointment":{ "codeappointment": "5870000000113", "customer_ID": "2950000000006", "userAffectedTo": "BO", "startDate": "", "endDate": "", "comment": "", "object": "autre", "appointmenttype_ID": "VISCLI" }

verb: GET
resultType: extended

"appointment":{ "codeappointment": "5870000000113", "customer_ID": "2950000000006", "userAffectedTo": "BO", "startDate": "", "endDate": "", "comment": "", "object": "autre", "appointmenttype_ID": "VISCLI", "customercontact_ID": "", "userCreate": "BO", "description": "", "privateItem": "0", "showInCalendar": "", "status": "", "extendedStatus": "", "customer_ID_hub": "", "roundheader_ID_hub": "", "visitreport_ID": "", "reminderDate": "", "reminderPeriodType": "", "reminderPeriodValue": "", "address": "", "task_ID_parent": "", "location": "", "contactName": "", "contactPhoneNumber": "", "contactMobilePhoneNumber": "", "contactFaxNumber": "", "contactEmail": "", "priorityTask": "", "deal_ID": "5870000000004", "customer_ID_dealPartner": "", "marketinglead_ID": "", "doneDate": "" }

verb: GET
resultType: extendedRelated
en complément du résultat pour resultType: extended on aura le détail pour les tables customer, customercontact, tasktype

"related":[ { "customer":{ "codecustomer":"C0000001", "name":"ENTREPRISE DIJON GUICHARD", "baseuser_ID":"", "address1":"33 Avenue du Drapeau", "address2":"", "address3":"", "postalCode":"21000", "city":"DIJON", "phoneNumber":"03 90 11 22 33", "faxNumber":"03 90 11 22 44", "mobilePhoneNumber":"06 90 11 22 33", "email":"contact@guichard.com", "deliveryDays":"1A;1B;2A;2B;3A;3B;4A;4B;5A;5B", "openingDays":"1A;1B;2A;2B;3A;3B;4A;4B;5A;5B", "siretNumber":"", "vatIntra":"", "apeCode":"516K", "comment":"", "blocked":"0", "blockedComment":"", "message":"", "vacationStart":"", "vacationEnd":"", "gpsLongitude":"5.04372", "gpsLatitude":"47.33222", "gpsPrecision":"8", "gpsUpdateDate":"2020-09-03 23:02:12", "gpsManual":"", "accountNumber":"C0000001", "contactName":"", "currency_ID":"", "authorizedCredit":"0", "risk":"1", "language":"", "underSurveillance":"", "workforce":"25", "customer_ID_paying":"", "pricecategory_ID":"", "discountRate":"0", "website":"https://www.guichard.com", "legalStatus":"Société Anonyme avec Directoire", "generictype_ID_brand":"", "generictype_ID_deliveryMode":"", "generictype_ID_paymentMean":"", "generictype_ID_country":"", "generictype_ID_province":"", "generictype_ID_customerType":"CTC", "generictype_ID_customerFamily":"", "confirmationEmail":"contact@guichard.com", "confirmationFax":"03 90 11 22 44", "generictype_ID_taxCode":"", "productdepot_ID":"", "generictype_ID_accountingCategory":"", "generictype_ID_customerPotential":"B", "generictype_ID_civility":"", "skype":"contact@guichard.com", "generictype_ID_role":"", "unused":"0", "customergroup_ID":"", "generictype_ID_referencing":"2", "generictype_ID_distribution":"SELF", "generictype_ID_market":"BIG", "area":"", "baseculture_ID":"FR-FR", "baseuser_ID_favoriteTechnician":"TECH-01", "branchoffice_ID":"SXB", "emailFormat":"", "isIndividual":"0", "facebook":"https://www.facebook.com/guichard/", "twitter":"https://twitter.com/guichard", "youtube":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jGbnEwQJ54", "linkedin":"https://www.linkedin.com/company/guichard", "activity":"" }, "customercontact":{ "codecustomercontact":"C0000001-DJ", "customer_ID":"C0000001", "lastName":"DENEIR", "firstName":"Jacques", "generictype_ID_civility":"Monsieur", "address1":"1b rue Darwin", "address2":"", "address3":"", "postalCode":"21000", "city":"DIJON", "phoneNumber":"05 55 79 56 92", "faxNumber":"05 55 79 56 11", "mobilePhoneNumber":"06 07 08 09 10", "email":"jdeneir@nebout.div", "gpsLongitude":"5.0384", "gpsLatitude":"47.33073", "gpsAccuracy":"6", "gpsUpdateDate":"2020-09-16 23:02:26", "gpsManual":"", "description":"Acheteur direct", "generictype_ID_position":"Direction", "birthday":"1980-09-18 00:00:00", "generictype_ID_country":"FR", "generictype_ID_province":"", "mainContact":"0", "generictype_ID_service":"Direction", "skype":"", "baseculture_ID":"", "bouncedEmailDetected":"", "closedDate":"", "twitter":"", "linkedin":"" }, "tasktype": { "label": "Visite chez un client", "codetasktype": "VISCLI", "documentType": "2", "color": "a099ff" } }]

verb: PUT

{ "appointment": { "codeappointment": "PJ000011", /* Code globalement unique du rendez-vous (Varchar (255))*/ "customer_ID": "C0000001", /* Code client (ForeignKey () - sw_data_customer.codecustomer)*/ "userAffectedTo": "BO", /* Code utilisateur affecté (ForeignKey () - sw_data_baseuser.codebaseuser)*/ "startDate": "", /* Date de début (DateTime ())*/ "endDate": "", /* Date de fin (DateTime ())*/ "comment": "", /* Commentaire (Text (65535))*/ "object": "autre", /* Objet (Varchar (255))*/ "appointmenttype_ID": "VISCLI", /* Code du type de rendez-vous (ForeignKey () - sw_data_tasktype.codetasktype)*/ "generictype_ID_priority": "NONE", /* Code de la priorité du rendez-vous (ForeignKey () - sw_data_generictype.codegenerictype avec datatype = TASK_PRIORITY)*/ "customercontact_ID": "", /* Code contact (ForeignKey () - sw_data_customercontact.codecustomercontact)*/ "userCreate": "BO", /* Code utilisateur créateur (ForeignKey () - sw_data_baseuser.codebaseuser)*/ "description": "", /* Description (Text (65535))*/ "privateItem": "0", /* Rendez-vous privé (Valeurs possibles : 0,1) (Bool ())*/ "showInCalendar": "", /* Afficher dans l'agenda (Valeurs possibles : 0,1) (Bool ())*/ "extendedStatus": "", /* Statut étendu (Int ())*/ "customer_ID_hub": "", /* Code client pivot (ForeignKey () - sw_data_customer.codecustomer)*/ "roundheader_ID_hub": "", /* Code tournée (ForeignKey () - sw_data_roundheader.coderoundheader)*/ "visitreport_ID": "", /* Code rapport de visite (ForeignKey () - sw_data_visitreport.codevisitreport)*/ "reminderDate": "", /* Date de rappel (DateTime ())*/ "reminderPeriodType": "", /* Periode de rappel : type (Varchar (4))*/ "reminderPeriodValue": "", /* Periode de rappel : valeur (Int ())*/ "address": "", /* Adresse (Text (65535))*/ "task_ID_parent": "", /* Code tâche parente (ForeignKey () - sw_data_task.codetask)*/ "location": "", /* Lieu (Varchar (255))*/ "contactName": "", /* Nom du contact (Varchar (255))*/ "contactPhoneNumber": "", /* Numéro de téléphone du contact (Varchar (10))*/ "contactMobilePhoneNumber": "", /* Numéro de cellulaire du contact (Varchar (26))*/ "contactFaxNumber": "", /* Numéro de télécopie du contact (Varchar (26))*/ "contactEmail": "", /* Email du contact (Varchar (250))*/ "priorityTask": "", /* Rendez-vous prioritaire (Valeurs possibles : 0,1) (Bool ())*/ "deal_ID": "5870000000004", /* Code affaire (ForeignKey () - sw_data_deal.codedeal)* "customer_ID_dealPartner": "", /* Code partenaire de l'affaire (ForeignKey () - sw_data_customer.codecustomer)* "marketinglead_ID": "", /* Code lead (ForeignKey () - sw_data_marketinglead.codemarketinglead)*/ "doneDate": "" /* Date d'achèvement (DateTime ())*/ } }

verb: LIST
resultType: simple, extended reprendre les définitions du GET

"filters:" { "codeAppointment": "value", filter is equal "object": "value", filter is contains "startDate": "value", filter is greater or equal to "startDateBetween": "value1|value2", filter is between value1 and value2 "endDate": "value", filter is lesser or equal to "endDateBetween": "value1|value2", filter is between value1 and value2 "codeCustomer": "value", filter is equal "appointmentType": "value" filter is equal }, "orderBy": "value"

Valeurs possibles pour le tri "orderBy" :

  • startDateDesc : par date de début descendant

  • startDateAsc : par date de début ascendant

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