SwingMobility 4.2 : notes de version

SwingMobility 4.2 : notes de version

Version publiée 19/07/2017

Principales nouveautés de la version








  • Gestion documents

Tiers et contacts



  • Articles liés

  • Articles référencés

  • Ajout onglet historique des ventes dans la fiche article

  • Prise en charge n° de lot et n° de série

  • Stock véhicule

  • Livraison/Collecte

  • Vente laisser sur place

  • Différenciation projet (avant-vente) / affaire (après vente)

  • Algo tarif : prix en fonction de la quantité article

Service client

  • Onglet photos sur la fiche équipement

  • Géolocalisation des équipements

Marketing et centre de contact


Administration et paramétrage


Application mobile


Addons / ouverture

  • Enrichissement tiers via annuaire externe CORPORAMA (ALPHA)

Outils développement


"Release Notes" détaillées (en anglais)

Master 1.4.20170712 (19/07/2017) [What's new] #20151 - A new functionality called "Projects" has been implemented for SwingBusiness and implies a modification of the functionality "Deal": The aim of this functionality is to be able to create Projects and make theirs steps evolve, and possibly convert them into Deals. The Projects records are stored in the same table as the Deals (sw_data_deal), a new bool "isProject" has been added to identify the type of the record and should be set when interfacing the table. Projects use the same "Deal menu", but still have their own steptypes, that's the reason why a similar bool "isProject" has been added in the table sw_data_dealsteptype. Once Projects'current step is the last one (100% completion), users will be asked if they want to create a new deal, and will be able to specify the number, the label and the type of the deal, along with the possibility to duplicate the partners, competitors and the documents. Projects can be opened from the main and the customer menu, just before the Deal item. New variable(s) added: Projects.Available #20154 - A new functionality called "Distribution" has been implemented for SwingBusiness: The functionality is available in the product sheet and in the statistics functionality as a new tabpage. The aim is to be able to quickly see to whom a product has been sold or not sold on a period. The functionality is based on the sales history - tables sw_data_histoheader and sw_data_histodetail. #19070 - An evolution has been done regarding the batch and serial numbers of the products for SwingBusiness / SwingService: The evolution is available through the functionality stock and the catalog. Also, variables were added to manage the stock functionality. New generictype(s) added: dataType PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_TYPE : SERIAL and BATCH New variable(s) added: StockManagement.Available, StockManualRemoval.Enabled, StockManualEntry.Enabled, StockQualification.Enabled, ProductsStock.Available #19759 - A new functionality called "Related products" has been implemented for SwingBusiness: The aim of this functionality is to present related products in the order and the catalog, to quickly add them in the order or access their product sheet in the catalog. A new tabpage "Related produts" has been added in the order line and the product sheet. Also, the order basket shows the link between the products as the link is saved in the sw_data_orderdetail table. New table(s) added: sw_data_productrelated New generictype(s) added: dataType PRODUCT_RELATED_TYPE : SUGGESTED, LINKED (for further use) and REPLACEMENT (for further use) New variable(s) added: ProductRelated.Available, OrderLine.RelatedProducts.ForceTabPage #20100 - A new profile SwingContact has been added for the users in the table sw_data_baseuserprofile. Access to the deal and projects is deactivated. #20102 - A new filter has been added in the Sales history to allow a multiselection of the document type (invoice, credit, etc.). #20696 - 2 new generictypes "To do" and "Planned" have been added in the dataType INTERVENTION_STATUS. Also, this statuses are taken into accoung in the Backend interface "[SWS] Interventions update status". #20156 - A new tabpage "Pictures" has been added in the equipment sheet, in order to see all pictures taken from this equipment. #20158 - A new variable "Order.Mail.SendMethod" has been added to trigger a new option to send the emails from the server - as done by default so far - or to send the email directly from the device. #20225 - The tabpages in the Calendar can now be shown / hidden with the corresponding module variable (for example the "Order" tabpage depends on the Order.Available variable). #20262 - The UniSearchs CustomerAddresses, CustomerContacts, Customers, CustomersToVisit, Directory, SelectionCustomer and SelectionCompetitor now have a COLLATE NOCASE in the ORDER BY in order to be case insensitave. #20363 - A new option "Change device calendar name" has been added in the toolbox to rename the calendar of the device. #19783 - It is now possible to view all measures in a similar list as the operations, grouped by equipments. #19802 - Cashing send an email as they used to on the previous version 3, and have been improved as a new report "[SWM] Cashing" is now send. #19867 - Cashing can now be access directly from the credit alarm on the main menu. #19900 - Indexes have been added on the table sw_data_document and sw_data_documentfolder on the fields documentfolder_ID, baseuser_ID and documentfolder_ID_parent. #20003 - The control cbGenerictype_ID_customerType in the prospect sheet is now activated by default. #20781 - A comment field has been added in the quick suspect sheet. #20850 - The default sales conditions now uses the fields minQuantity and maxQuantity. #21041 - The message asking if the user want to broadcast an event now shows the "[<event type> - <event date>]" #20096 - The item "Event broadcast" is now in the group "activity follow-up" - same color and has been moved. #20105 - A new action has been added to geocode the addresses and site (table sw_data_customeraddress) : [SWB v4] Geocoding (Address) #20137 - It is now possible to geolocate an equipment. A map can now show the geolocated equipment(s) in the intervention. #20086 - A new item "View" has been added to open an event without editing it. [Fixes] #20218 - The name of the variable Main.UserTree.Preselected and Customer.UserTreee.Preselected in the script Func_LoadOptions is now correct. #20219 - The alarm "Awaiting Orders" is now deactivated when the variable Order.Available is set to 0. #20279 & 21110 - The histoheader are now correctly synchronized for the past 3 years. #20279 - The bill dashboard now only takes the invoices and credits into account. #20393 - Users can no more avoid the margin control on a line of the order by killing the player. A new script FuncOrder_ValidateLine has been added and is called at the validation of the order. #20396 - The table sw_data_baseoutbox is not the last one synchronized. #20531 - Scan NFC - the equipment selection is now correctly handled when no equipment has been found. #20558 - The script Func_GetRecipients now correctly takes the records without baseusertree_ID into account. #20590 - The product family tree selection now works fine if all the family are unchecked. #20613 - The name and firstname is now separated in the forms Unisearch. #20616 - The translation key Gen_FormAccepted is now deleted and only Gen_FormValidated is used. #20695 - The table sw_data_interventionstatus wasn't used and is now deleted. #19819 - The Unisearchs HubCustomer_List and Document_List are now deleted as unused. #20002 - The Time element on the main menu is now translated. #20013 - A case where user would cancel the broadcast of an event led to a missing refresh of a Unisearch - after creating a visit report a. It is now correct. #20025 - Comments of visit reports are now correctly saved in the corresponding event. #20057 - Creating a new contact or address doesn't generate an error in the map tabpage anymore. #20058 - The query of the CUSTOMER_CONTACT and CUSTOMER_ADDRESS map controls are now the same on the common platform and Smartphone. #20074 - Orders can no longer be edited - even after being synchronized - by a double-clic. #20807 - Deleting an appointment or etc. in the calendar now refreshes the node under. #20808 - The blocked products are now taken into account while scanning a barcode - script FuncOrder_OnScan. #20827 - The "quotation reminder" task can now be deleted while deleted the corresponding quotation. #20861 - The creation of an appointment in a visit report now creates a linked event if activated. #20970 - The contact is now correctly selected in the event sheet. #21043 - The translation key Gen_ConvertToOrder is now correct in FR and FR-CA. #20124 - The unisearch is now refreshed after deleting a duplicate line in the order. #20134 - The theme image InvestigationButtonRemarkEmpty is now by default in the master. #20140 - The bin - to empty a filter - is now deactivated by default in the functionalities Products, SelectionProduct, MapFilter and Statistics. #20141 - The product family filter is now applied on the catalog and Caroussel on Smartphone. [Connection Kit - Infinity v2.0 ] #20196 - The flow 7 Customer Statistics update has been replaced by : - a new file extracted directly on the SwingControlCenter - a backend with a file import #20157 - A new field movementID has been added in the table sw_data_interventionpart to match the field u_enrno in Infinity. #20279 - The statistics are now calculated by a new workflow in the SwingControlCenter. #20553 - The ID exported to Infinity have been adapted, in conjunction with the connector update (latest version v17) to have a better integration. #20627 - The interfaces importing binary data (documents) don't archive the files anymore. #19084 - Export of EntDocument with the event, changed size of truncate from 250 to 2048 #19235 & #19429 - By default, all the scenarios are now in differential mode, except the first one for the base tables. #19388 - Fixed an issue when converting RTF with differential files. #19448 - The events have been modified to better take into account the replacement of CR/LF and the max field size accepted by Infinity, especialy on comments fields. The coding of IDs for new records have been also modified. Please refer to the documentation of the kit. #20020 - To ensure a good setup for the kit, a backend to set externalDocCode has been setup. These codes are used during the exports in the Event. #20083 - Backend 50. Customer - 7. Statistics now takes into account only the invoices and credits. #20873 - Now, by default, InfinityXXX pricing files are not activated on the SwingControlCenter to avoid useless processes and disk space waste. Also, the file used to filter the mirror is now generating in a "WorkingDir" to avoid to have it mirrored on the SwingServer. #20144 - For [Infinity] § Export Pièces, the order of the actions has been to InfoDocument, EntDocument, DetDocument, DetDocumentInfinity. [Connection Kit - Sage] #20211 - The dataType of the generictype "PAYMENT_MEAN" was incorrect in the interface "12 - Customer".

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