SwingMobility 4.1 : notes de version
SwingMobility 4.1 : notes de version
Version publiée le 29/03/2017
Principales nouveautés de la version
Module | Nouveautés |
Global |
Activités |
Tiers et contacts |
Ventes |
Service client | - |
Marketing et centre de contact |
Administration et paramétrage |
Application mobile |
Addons / ouverture | - |
Outils développement | - |
"Release Notes" détaillées (en anglais)
Master 1.3.20170327 (29/03/2017)
[What's new]
#19755 - A new functionality called "Documents" has been implemented for SwingBusiness / SwingService:
Documents can be opened from both the Main Menu and the toolbox on the devices.
They can be sorted in folders and subfolders, and can be filtered on the frontoffice using a treeview.
Validity dates can be defined on the document, as well as a version, a title, keywords and a status. Only the documents with the "BROADCAST" status are sent to the devices by default. The status is a new generictype with the dataType "DOCUMENT_STATUS".
Documents can be added from a backend or directly in the table with the SwingStudio. A functionality will soon be added in the Backoffice to manage the documents and folders.
New table(s) added: sw_data_document and sw_data_documentfolder
New variable(s) added: Documents.Available
#19122 - A new functionality "Event Broadcasting" has been implemented for SwingBusiness / SwingService:
Events created can now be sent by emails to recipients not using Swing.
A new parameter can be set on the types of event (table sw_data_eventype) : the Mailing mode, in order to say if the event broadcasting is Inactive, Optional or Mandatory. It uses a new generictype with the dataType "DIFFUSION_MODE".
Depending on the parameter set, a question "Would you like to broadcast your event ?" can be asked and the functionality opened, allowing to select the mailing lists to broadcast to.
Mailing lists can be created on the fly or managed via a new entry "Mailing lists" in the toolbox on the Main menu.
Also, a new backend named "[SWB] Update Server Event Mailing Infos" has been set up and can be activated using the scheduler called "[SWB4] Update Status" in order to update the status of the mailing events.
New table(s) added: sw_data_eventmailing, sw_data_eventmailingdetail, sw_data_mailinglistheader and sw_data_mailinglistdetail
New variable(s) added: EventBroadcast.Available
#19072 - A new functionality "Quick Entry Suspect" has been implemented for SwingBusiness:
The aim of this functionality is to be able to enter a suspect on the fly with just a name, a picture or a voice memo. Also, if available and allowed by the user, the GPS coordinates are saved while entering the suspect for further use.
Entered suspects are shown in an alarm on the Main menu, with a map showing the saved coordinates. It's possible to create a prospect directly from the suspect, to find the pictures / voice memos entered and also to use the GPS coordinates saved.
This functionality is available on iOs and Android.
New table(s) added: sw_data_quickentrysuspect, sw_data_quickentrysuspectmedia
New variable(s) added: QuickEntrySuspect.Available
#19071 - A new functionality "Manual geolocation" has been implemented for SwingBusiness / SwingService.
A new tabpage "Map" has been added to the Customer, Contact and Address designers in order to show the GPS coordinates. Also, the automatic geolocation can be disabled and the current GPS coordinates - if available - can be used and set as the Customer / Contact / Address coordinates.
#19106 - A new functionality "Competing products" has been implemented for SwingBusiness.
It allows to entered the competing products directly in the Customer menu with a picture and prices at different dates. Also the barcode scan can be used in order to easily find the competing product.
New table(s) added: sw_data_competingproduct, sw_data_competingproductprice, sw_data_competingproductpicture
New variable(s) added: CompetingProducts.Available
#18235 - New variables were added in order to change the validation of surveys.
New variable(s) added: Forms.TopTreeUserWithoutStructureNavNotValidateTopTreeUser.Enabled, Forms.TopTreeUserAutovalidate.Enabled and Forms.UserWithStructureNavValidateSameLevelUserWithoutStructureNav.Enabled
#19483 - A new tabpage and view "Grid" has been added in the Catalog (Products) functionality.
New variable(s) added: Catalog.Tabs
#18716 - The user is now asked to link himself to the customer if the customer is not linked to any user yet. Also, the user is automaticaly linked to the customer after creating a visit report.
#19636 - A new button "Filter" has been added in the Customers portfolio, in order to filter the customers/prospects on the salesrep they are linked to.
#19380 - The table sw_data_recipient, allowing to add fixed recipients to reports wasn't synchronized on the devices. Also, the scripts Func_GetAdditionalRecipients and Func_GetRecipients have been merged and fixed.
#19595 - Action buttons have been added on the Address designer, in order to navigate / give a call using the entered data as available on the Customer and Contact designers. Also, a quick Actions button has been added on the address selection.
#19174 - Fix the content of the table sw_sys_syncdeletehistory not being deleted on the devices after removing lines in a temporary modification of a quotation.
#19322 - A new column unit has been added in the measures types in SwingService. It uses a new generictype with the dataType "UNIT".
#19655 - A link to a Deal and a Partner has been added on the detail of an expense, as well as the location.
#19554 - A new "Order update" synchronization has been added, synchronizing only the table linked to an order, used for example after creating an order or a quotation.
#17839 - The equipment type and equipment identifier have been added in the time lists.
#17872 - The equipment type and serial number are now used in the title of the equipment menu and also in the picture lists, instead of the code.
#18958 - A line is now automaticaly added in sw_data_customeraddress after creating a new prospect (only if the 'Customer.Addresses.Available' variable is set to 1).
#18211 - A new skype field has been added in the table of contacts and buttons have been added on the contact sheet to make a call directly from the application.
#19596 - It's now possible to navigate to the customer location from the customer map.
#19694 - The margin is now updated after editing the sub price in the order.
#19686 - The previous value of the measures are now visible in the intervention report.
#17979 - The action plan statistics have been fixed as well as the detail of the action plan.
#18648 - It's now possible to edit an intervention created by the user on the device.
#18713 - The recipients of an appointment or a task are now limited to the users linked to the customer. Also an error in the query has been fixed.
#19575 - It's now possible to edit the documents in the customer sheet.
#19574 - Missing anchors on buttons have been added in the contact sheet on smartphone.
#19642 - An error has been fixed in the script FuncCustomerMenu_InitDashboard to show if the customer is geolocated or not.
#19432 - A family filter has been added above the product grid in the order functionality.
#19332 - The measures of an intervention are now correctly showed depending on the types of equipment.
#19231 - The email sent with the report of the order / quotation is now improved and uses the information of the company in the table sw_data_companyinfo
#19101 - Camera barcode scanning has been implemented in the functionalities Order/Quotation, the Catalog, the Competing Products and the Intervention - to scan equipment.
#17591 - A new information "description" has been added to the different documents - Customer, Product and Deal.
#18576 - The start date filter in the History UniSearch is now one year ago.
#18476 - A generic interface "[Global] SWS Assignment" has been added to affect a profile to the users of SwingService .
#19333 - The operations and measures buttons are now hidden if there is nothing to enter.
#17850 - The equipment type is now displayed in the equipment list on the intervention menu.
#17882 - It's now impossible to select another equipment type in the pictures before / after from the equipment menu.
#18677 - A button has been added to print the intervention report once the intervention is closed.
#18645 - It's now possible to view the equipments and the intervention history on the customer menu.
#18649 - It's now possible to see the stock quantity while using parts for an intervention.
#19114 - The scripts FuncEvent_GetGpsPosition and Func_GetGpsPosition are now merged.
#18356 - It's now possible to validate the modification of a deal competitor without having to select the competitor again.
#18559 - While creating a visit report, the objectives set in the linked appointment are now correctly shown.
#18572 - The orders/quotations with the standby status are now synchronized on the server.
#19079 - Keyboard types have been set for the fields phone/mobile/fax/email on the customer, contact and address sheets.
#19410 - The order/quotation report uses a default label when the translation key of the document type is not specified.
#19366 - The scripts used in the order for the products family filter have been merged.
#18219 - A new script function "Func_ReplaceSpecialChars" has been added to replace special chars in the generated file names.
#19148 - A new field 'unused' has been added in the customer and product tables. In addition 2 new backends "[Global] Customer : set unused flag" and "[Global] Product : set unused flag" have been added to set this field using the value of the field srvAttrib
#19008 - A parameter has been added to specify the language to use in the report opening function "Func_OpenPdfFromReport".
#19754 - It is now possible to filter on the brand of the customer (field generictype_ID_brand) on the UniSearchs Customers, CustomersToVisit, HubCustomer and SelectionCustomer.
#19805 - On the Main menu, in the entry events, the forms couldn't be edited / deleted.
#19797 - In SwingService, while validating an intervention, the PDF view is above the popover of the signature, blocking the user. The PDF view is now hidden waiting for a fix of the player.
#19239 - Product sheets windows could be opened and stacked after several barcodes scans in a row in the Catalog.
#19673 - Fix the badges on the Intervention menu for the operations not taking the type of intervention into account.
#19713 - Fix the refresh of the Directory after editing a contact.
#19593 - It's now possible to edit the address directly from the customer map.
#19154 - Missing anchors on buttons have been added in the product sheet.
#19153 - The UniSearch ProductInterventions now has a unique key.
#19177 - It's not allowed anymore to add times and equipment on a closed intervention.
#19361 - Added a translation key on the button "Add" a new intervention from the calendar.
#18678 - The colors of the interventions have been changed in the calendar to match the rest of the application.
#18446 - The filter of the synchronization of the survey answers has been fixed.
#19599 - The UniSearch "Visit Delay" is now refreshed after creating a visit report.
#18604 - The expense report has been fixed and now displays the taxes without recalculating them.
#19406 - The variable 'Directory.Available' is now initialized.
#18618 - Operations and measures now use translation key.
#18644 - The visit delay button is now hidden in SwingService.
#17848 - The equipment type is now mandatory when creating a new equipment.
#19362 - The query of the spent hours on the Main Menu has been updated to work with all durations.
#19109 - The event created while putting a quotation on hold is not "Order" anymore.
#18445 - The UniSearch on the main menu "MainMenuStatistics" has been fixed.
#18681 - A filter on the customer has been added when entering the cashing functionality via the alarm.
#18660 - The translation key used for the label filter and the display in the expenses list have been harmonized.
#18898 - Quotation signs are now correctly replaced in flash messages.
#19226 - The 'baseuser_ID' field is now initialized to the current user while creating a prospect.
#18341 - When a deal step is deleted, the previous one is now correctly displayed.
#19404 - The activation conditions of the Main menu tabpages are now the same on every platforms
#19054 - An ID was set in the synchronization query of the table customer.
#19329 - The internet connection test has been fixed when asking for the synchronization history from the toolbox.
#18655 - The translation key for the survey date filter has been harmonized.
#18656 - The UniSearch query of the expenses header list has been fixed to take the filters into account.
[Connection Kit - Infinity]
#18757 - The event "[Infinity] Export pièces" has beend fixed to avoid exporting orders in the status standby.
#19147 - The baseusertree field has been removed from the Backend import. [10. Base User]
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