WebHook Appointment
WebHook Appointment
Manipulation de l'entité Appointment (Rendez-vous) en lecture/écriture/suppression via un objet métier depuis une application externe.
Les tables utilisées sont :
sw_data_task : Table des tâches/rendez-vous
Critères d'activation
WHK_Appointment est défini dans la gestion des webhooks du studio.
verb: GET
resultType: simple
"codeappointment": "5870000000113",
"customer_ID": "2950000000006",
"userAffectedTo": "BO",
"startDate": "",
"endDate": "",
"comment": "",
"object": "autre",
"appointmenttype_ID": "VISCLI"
verb: GET
resultType: extended
"codeappointment": "5870000000113",
"customer_ID": "2950000000006",
"userAffectedTo": "BO",
"startDate": "",
"endDate": "",
"comment": "",
"object": "autre",
"appointmenttype_ID": "VISCLI",
"customercontact_ID": "",
"userCreate": "BO",
"description": "",
"privateItem": "0",
"showInCalendar": "",
"status": "",
"extendedStatus": "",
"customer_ID_hub": "",
"roundheader_ID_hub": "",
"visitreport_ID": "",
"reminderDate": "",
"reminderPeriodType": "",
"reminderPeriodValue": "",
"address": "",
"task_ID_parent": "",
"location": "",
"contactName": "",
"contactPhoneNumber": "",
"contactMobilePhoneNumber": "",
"contactFaxNumber": "",
"contactEmail": "",
"priorityTask": "",
"deal_ID": "5870000000004",
"customer_ID_dealPartner": "",
"marketinglead_ID": "",
"doneDate": ""
verb: GET
resultType: extendedRelated
en complément du résultat pour resultType: extended on aura le détail pour les tables customer, customercontact, tasktype
"address1":"33 Avenue du Drapeau",
"phoneNumber":"03 90 11 22 33",
"faxNumber":"03 90 11 22 44",
"mobilePhoneNumber":"06 90 11 22 33",
"gpsUpdateDate":"2020-09-03 23:02:12",
"legalStatus":"Société Anonyme avec Directoire",
"confirmationFax":"03 90 11 22 44",
"address1":"1b rue Darwin",
"phoneNumber":"05 55 79 56 92",
"faxNumber":"05 55 79 56 11",
"mobilePhoneNumber":"06 07 08 09 10",
"gpsUpdateDate":"2020-09-16 23:02:26",
"description":"Acheteur direct",
"birthday":"1980-09-18 00:00:00",
"tasktype": {
"label": "Visite chez un client",
"codetasktype": "VISCLI",
"documentType": "2",
"color": "a099ff"
verb: PUT
verb: LIST
resultType: simple, extended reprendre les définitions du GET
Valeurs possibles pour le tri "orderBy" :
startDateDesc : par date de début descendant
startDateAsc : par date de début ascendant
, multiple selections available,
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